Ellie's List is our blog that focuses on helping new moms navigate the adventure that is nurturing a newborn. We share tips, tricks, and tools to make breastfeeding more manageable for the modern mom. 


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Realigning Expectations with Breastfeeding

So, breastfeeding is super great, right? The benefits of breastfeeding are well known and recognized: reduction in infant mortality, decreasing risk of childhood illness, providing passive immunity...

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How Can Your Partner Help You Breastfeed?

You read that right! Typically, breastfeeding isn’t thought of as a team sport, but your partner can help your breastfeeding efforts in other ways.

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Pain vs. Discomfort with Breastfeeding: When to Call Your Provider

If you’ve breastfed, you know there can be some uncomfortable moments. It can be difficult to tell if what you’re experiencing is just your body getting used to breastfeeding or a serious issue. That was the inspiration to create Check with Ellie. 

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Relaxation Tips for New Moms

Being the mom of a brand new baby is hard. You’re busy, tired, and not getting a lot of time to focus on yourself. Chances are, if you’re reading this blog, you are either planning on or already breastfeeding your baby. In order to do that successfully, taking care of yourself is very important!

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Pumping 101: How to Pump Breastmilk for Your Baby

There are few things less bizarre about early motherhood than that first time you turn on a breast pump to express milk for your baby. But once you get past the awkwardness of your first time at the pump, you gain an appreciation for your body...

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What is Your Breast Milk Made of Anyway?

Have you ever stopped to wonder what your breast milk is made of? Actually, breast milk changes depending on the amount of time that has passed since delivery, the time of day, the environment, and even the mom herself. 

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Who Can Help You with Breastfeeding?

Like any skill, breastfeeding can be improved with practice — just as long as you’re practicing it correctly. Fortunately, there are many professionals who can help you get a hang of it! There are actually so many types of professionals it can get kind of confusing — especially when all of your time, energy, and focus is spent raising your little one.

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